334-283-2151 ext.1004


Accelerated Reader Links

Home Connect for Parents

See how your child is progressing in Accelerated Reader! You will need their username and password to log in. Make sure you sign up for email alerts. This will notify you when a test is taken, the score, and how many points were earned! What a GREAT way to keep up with their success!

Renaissance Learning - AR tests    

Want to know if there is a test for a particular book? Here it is! This link takes you to Renaissance Place where you can type in the title of the book and see reading level, point value, and the interest level. You can also type in a specific reading range, and it will list books available to read. Please note: we may not have all of the books listed on Ren Place. These are the tests available to you, not the books in the library.

Alabama Virtual Library

Class Dojo

Southside Media Center OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog 

Great for everyone:

Alabama Virtual Library (AVL)

The Alabama Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and citizens of the State of Alabama with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, and newspaper articles for research. Through the AVL, an equitable core of information sources are available to every student and citizen in Alabama, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the state. 


ALEX is the Alabama Learning Exchange website that provides course of study information directly related to Alabama. Lessons, activities, and ideas are also offered on this website for teachers to explore and use to enhance their curriculum.

Tools for Students:

Sometimes, you need just a single, quick answer. We'll find you The One, from our collection of three million.

Fun Brain
A fun, educational tool consisting of games and more.

Kid Info
The Web's Best Homework and Student, Teacher/ Parent Web Resource

A web guide for kids.

Copyright for Kids

Homework Alabama

For Teachers 

Alabama State Department of Education

Sites for Teachers


LMC Monthly Newsletter 


Recommended Reads From Your Friends at SMS: 

"Princess in Training by Meg Cabot is a great book! I love it!" - Cadence

"There are two books that I really liked and enjoyed over the summer. One of Us is Lying and One of Us is Next by Karen McManusThey were both really exciting and mysterious. I loved how they planned out their plans to find out the murder. I liked how in the book there were different perspectives of different people and how in depth they were. They were really fascinating books overall." - Izabel 

Note: This is a Young Adult series. Please ask your parents permission before reading. 

Reading Resources 


Clever: A single sign in to endless resources


Audible: Free Audio Book Resource

Tween Tribune

Smithsonian: Non-Fiction articles

Directions for MyOn Reading Offline 


lectura sin conexion

Access the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC):

Our Mission is...
to foster an environment that supports the creation of lifelong learners by providing access to information for students and staff that is appropriate to student development and features diversity in perspective, format, and interest, collaborate with teachers so every student learns to access, evaluate, and use information, join others in the learning community to encourage every student to read, view, and listen for information and enjoyment administer a planned program that provides a welcoming environment conducive to learning, and promotes students' intellectual and personal growth.