SMS is proud to share that our Chronic Absenteeism rate is down by 73.81% for the 1st Semester when compared to last school year! We have only 11 students with 18 or more absences, but we had 42 at the end of the first semester last year! This is the result of making attendance a priority at our school! We are so proud of everyone for the efforts to make this happen! Parents, students, and teachers have done a phenomenal job, and we look forward to a continued focus on attendance and academics paying off for our school! Remember, being chronically absent means missing 18 days or more from school, including excused and unexcused absences. It also makes up 15% of our school's report card score each year. Will you meet the #StayUnder18 challenge?!?!?

Chronic Absenteeism is DOWN 73.81% at SMS!
January 12, 2024