Drew Glass and Micah Cole

THS Class of 2023 Earns $1.3Million in Scholarships

 Felicia Jackson, THS Counselor

Tallassee High School held their annual Senior Awards program on May 15th at First Baptist Church of Tallassee. Principal, Mr. Drew Glass, welcomed the well-attended congregation and the Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer was led by graduating Student Body President, Harper Davis.

Mrs. Brooke Barron, Assistant Principal, announced the names of the seniors that were recognized for their academic accomplishments, their dedication and services provided to the various clubs and organizations as Mr. Glass presented advanced and honor students with a solid gold tassel and/or gold stole. Faculty members that served as club sponsors also presented cords, medals, and certificates.

The love, appreciation and respect for a former classmate was acknowledged by presenting to the Walters Family an Honorary Associates Degree from Southern Union State Community College.

Representatives from colleges/universities and community businesses and organizations presented scholarships to the recipients. Military enlistees received a heart-warming standing ovation for their future service of commitment to serve and protect our country.

In the past, the Tiger Tracks Yearbook for THS has been dedicated to one individual. But this year, the Yearbook was dedicated to The Class of 2023 because of their perseverance and determination to maintain their focus on academics while experiencing a viral epidemic and being taught in modular learning spaces(trailers) for two years during the construction of the new high school. Their hard work and determination was revealed by the overall monetary amount of 1.3 million dollars awarded in scholarships to the Class of 2023!

The administration, faculty and staff wish only the best for this graduating class as they venture into a world of opportunities!

2023 Senior Awards Program

Departmental Awards

History: Abbie Davis

Mathematics: Harper Davis

English: Alex Hughey

Science: Jake Sharpe

Alabama Association of Secondary School Principals Leadership Award

Jacob Sharpe

Mason Stewart

Marlee Stewart

Spirit Crawford

Tyler Ellis

Austin Gray

Joshua Cobb

Chesney Russell

Priscilla Avila

Abbie Davis

Principal’s Award

Micah Cole

Brooke Royster

Assistant Principal Award

Stephanie Foster

Bryant Jordan Nominees

Mason Stewart: Academics

Autumn Varden: Achievement 

Global Seal of Biliteracy Recognition

Priscilla Avila

Mia Valdes

Honorary Associates Degree (Southern Union State Community College)

         Bethany Walters


College Scholarships

Alabama A&M

Marqueta Jackson: Academic Based: $16,000

Alabama State University

Caden Griffith: Academic Incentive: $33,312 and Books: $2,000

Auburn University

Spirit Crawford: Ever to Conquer: $20,000 and AU Board of Trustees Endowed Scholarship: $1,500

Jacob Sharpe:   Ever to Conquer: $20,000, Macon County Greyhound Park: Victoryland Endowed: $ 1,400, Charlie Foy Barefield Memorial: $ 2,000, and Spirit of Auburn Founders: $36,000

David Hughey: Spirit of Auburn Founders: $5,000    

Harley Langley: Comer Foundation Annual: Agriculture: $6,000, Hilmer Jones Fund for Excellence: $1,000, and Jack and Lieselotte Conniff Endowed: $ 3,000

Auburn University Montgomery

Lily Chavedo: Opportunity Scholarship: $4,000

Lacey Carter: Opportunity Scholarship: $4,000

Chesney Russell: Opportunity Scholarship: $4,000

Berry College

Alexandra Arnold: Academic: $68,000

Butler Community College

Tyler Ellis: Athletic: Football $28,272

Central Alabama Community College

Brooke Royster: Athletic: Softball: $9,720, and Counselors Choice: $2,430

Mason Stewart: Trojan Excellence: $3,800

Marlee Stewart: Trojan Excellence: $3,800

Coastal Alabama Community College South

Abbie Davis: Athletic: Softball: $9,720

Jacksonville State University

Trinity Jones: Gamecock Success: $16,000

Lurleen B. Wallace Community College

Hannah Hatchett: LBW Foundation Vermelle E. Donaldson Memorial: $2,430

Morehouse College

Micah Cole: Academic: $126,900

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Kent Jordan: Academic: $22,720, and Books: $2,000

Southern Union State Community College

Autumn Varden: Counselors Leadership: $ 2,430

Desiree Cox: Excellence Achievement in Music: $9,720

Hunter Floyd: Excellence Achievement in Music: $9,720

Mason Stewart: Outstanding Technical Ability: $9,720

Joshua Boatwright: Academic Excellence and Leadership: $9,720

Abbygail Bridgman: Academic Excellence and Leadership: $9,720

Austin Gray: Academic Excellence and Leadership: $9,720

Ethan Martin: Academic Excellence and Leadership: $9,720

Marlee Stewart: Academic Excellence and Leadership: $9,720

Trenholm State Community College

Tyler Autrey: Career Technical: $5,508

Troy University

David Hughey: Scholars Plus Award: $82, 608

Tuskegee University

Johnathan Wright: University Merit Scholarship: $88,000

University of Alabama

Harper Davis: Boys and Girls State: $1,000, Alumni: $1,000, and Foundation of Excellence: $36,000

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Spirit Crawford: Blazer: $12,000, and One-Year: $5,000

University of Mobile

William Blocker: Deans Merit: $44,000

Jenna Manning: Athletic: Softball: $20,000

University of Montevallo

Clara Dean: Academic Recognition: $18,000

Audrie Turner: Academic Recognition: $18,000


Community Scholarships

Alabama AG Credit:

 Taylor Holley $1,000

Arnold and Joanne Dopson Charitable Foundation

Harper Davis $10,000

Mary Atherton Scholarship

Jenna Manning $10,000

Benton McGarr Entrepreneur

Tyler Autrey $2,000

Mildred W. Blount Charitable Foundation

Harper Davis $12,000

Chesney Russell $12,000

Central Alabama Community Foundation: Jody Marie Sanford

Chesney Russell $1,000

Chamber Ambassadors

Micah Cole $750

Abbie Davis $750

Harper Davis $750

Jaden Lopez $750

Mason Stewart $750

Marlee Stewart $750

Johnathan Wright $750

Elmore County Farmers Federation

Taylor Holley $500

Elmore County Republican Executive Committee

Harper Davis $500

William E. Goss Memorial Scholarship

Tyler Ellis $500

HDD Incorporate/Broadband

Bradley Rhodes: $5,000

Lindsey Morris: $5,000

Joe and Mary Johnson Charitable Foundation

Harper Davis $8,000

Chesney Russell $8,000

Taylor Holley $8,000

Kiwanis Club

Abbie Davis $500

Harper Davis $500

Lacey Brewer Class of 1985

Chesney Russell $1,000

Lacey Brewer Memorial (Neptune)

Harper Davis $2,000

Lions Club

Harper Davis $1,000

Taylor Holley $1,000

Mason Stewart $1,000


Micah Cole $5,000

Neptune Technology Scholarship

Marlee Stewart $8,000

Mason Stewart $8,000


Micah Cole $10,000

Johnny and Evelyn Potts Academic Scholarship

Johnathan Wright $3,000

Rotary Club of Tallassee

Marlee Stewart $1,000

Tallassee Education Association

Tyler Hill $1,000

Tallassee High School Alumni Association

Abbie Davis $500

Taylor Holley $1,000

Austin and Nell Venable

Harper Davis $4,000

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Haley Sanford $2,500

Harper Davis $500

Military Service Enlistment

United States Air Force

William Tally: Tuition Assistance: $18,000, Educational Benefits GI Bill: $83,000

William Tally Total: $101,000

Alabama National Guard

Audrie Turner: Education Assistance Program for $67,200, The Federal Tuition Assistance: $16,000, and Montgomery GI Bill for$24,000

Audrie Turner Total: 107, 200


Robert Towery: Education Assistance Program for $67,200, The Federal Tuition Assistance: $16,000, and Montgomery GI Bill for$24,000

Robert Towery Total: 107, 200



GRAND TOTAL for the Class of 2023: $1,324,460.00

These students have the potential to earn more scholarships and grants in the coming weeks!

Congratulations, Class of 2023!