THS Synopsis from the Board Work Session: 1/11/2023
Strategies THS is Utilizing to Improve outcomes on the ACT Prior to the March 12 test
ACT Mock Exams (all 9th-11th grade), First practice test is Jan. 25th
ACT Practice weekly in all core classes (i.e. writing assessment each week)
ACT Bellringers (i.e.- ACT Math question to begin class with review and discussion)
Utilizing IXL for ACT for 11th graders in Acceleration (this is a content practice program).
Free ACT Online Prep for 11th graders provided by the ALSDE (once per week during Acceleration)
ACT Bootcamp for all 11th graders in March (several retired teachers are coming in to teach test taking strategies to all 11th graders, the teachers specialize in this instruction).
Reducing the class size on the ACT testing day
Individual meeting with each Junior after the mock exam to review score and strategies.
ACT Incentives offered to students
- For a 3 point improvement from Pre-Act to the Act a student will get Free parking!
Platinum: Students who benchmark in THREE or more areas will receive the following:
1. Free ALL sports pass for the student to all home games (excluding playoffs)
2. Photograph posted on the Wall of Fame
3. Recognition on the school announcements and TCS Facebook page
Gold: Students who benchmark in TWO areas will receive the following:
1. Free admission for the student to all home games of One fall sport and One spring sport (excluding playoffs)
2. Photograph posted on the Wall of Fame
3. Recognition on the school announcements and TCS Facebook page
Silver: Students who benchmark in ONE area will receive the following:
1. Free admission for the student to all home games of One sport (excluding playoffs)
2. Photograph posted on the Wall of Fame
3. Recognition on the school announcements and TCS Facebook page
What are the benchmark scores?
* Benchmark Requirements for the following sections on the ACT:
English -18
Math- 22
Points of discussion by THS Administrators During the Open Work Session when Reviewing 22-23 ACT test outcomes.
Disappointed in the current score and motivated to show improvement
We have several things that we do well that aren’t measured on the report card
Shift of focus to the ACT to help improve our report card score
No excuses only focused on improving where we can improve
Attendance is on course to improve this year
Graduation rate is on track for being higher
CCR data is on track for being higher