Tallassee High School Publications
Dear Families of 2022 Seniors:
The Tallassee High School Student Council is now accepting ads for the football/athletic program for the upcoming 2021/22 school year. We open up available space for the purchase of senior ads for any student in the graduating class of 2022.
If you would like to purchase an ad for your senior, please include pictures and any message that you would like send your graduate. If you prefer, we will be happy to design the ad for you, just include pictures and any verse. These ads should be emailed to daphne.davis@tcschools.com.
Because of publication deadlines, all ads must be turned in by Friday August 13th.
As always, we appreciate your support of your children and are looking forward to honoring your senior.
Nicole Patterson, Student Council President
Daphne Davis, Student Council Sponsor
Tallassee High School Student Council
502 Barnett Blvd.
Tallassee, AL 36078
Full page: $150.00
One-half page: $100.00
One-quarter page: $75.00
One-eighth page: $50.00