Tallassee City Schools welcomes State Superintendent, Dr. Eric Mackey and Assist Superintendent, Dr. Jeff Langham
Chalkable and I-Now access is available at home! https://sis-tallasseecity.chalkableinformationnow.com/InformationNow/
We have just launched our official twitter for Tallassee High School. Follow us @TallasseeHS for the latest tweets out of Tallassee High School.
Download our new school app on the App Store or Google Play. Just search for "Tallassee City Schools".
Attention Parents, please take our quick survey about technology use at THS! You can find it here: https://goo.gl/forms/CxgAHcEOq3tJYNNF2
At-a-glance view of the entire academic year for Tallassee City Schools
Tallassee City Schools upcoming events!