TCS Soft Opening will NOT be Extended

Dear Parents, 

  The TCS Reopening Taskforce met yesterday. The majority of the Taskforce voted for face-to-face learning to start on Monday, September 21st. The Soft Opening WILL NOT BE EXTENDED.

All students that elected for the face-to-face, this nine-weeks, may attend school on Monday. Masks are required and will be for the foreseeable future. Please be aware that just like other districts that have brought the majority of their students into their buildings, we will face some challenges. It will be next to impossible to socially distance. Though we will try our best, be prepared for some students (or possibly classrooms, grade levels, or even entire schools) to experience the requirement to isolate if deemed necessary.

Our faculty and staff are striving to provide the best education we can in these circumstances. We do ask for your grace and patience.  


Brock Nolin