
Tallassee City Schools will be undergoing its five-year accreditation review next month. Under normal circumstances, the accreditation committee, which is composed of persons from around the country, would come to visit our system. With COVID-19 altering most everything, our review will be virtual. Mrs. Tessie Williams, Deputy Superintendent, and I felt it important for the committee to see our community and meet our school administrators as well as the central office staff. 

We produced a couple of short videos to introduce the review committee to our town and schools.  The videos provide highlights of the community and schools while allowing the committee to have a more holistic view rather than just analyzing our school system on paper.

Mayor John Hammock was gracious enough to help us in the Tour of Tallassee Video. The accreditation process will give our district leaders and Board an outside viewpoint and bring to light our growth opportunities. The accreditation review is scheduled for February 22-24. 

Click the links below to Cognia review resources and our videos.

A Tour of Tallassee Video 1

Welcome to TCS Video 2