Thank you, JACO Sales & Coach Bruce Dean for sponsoring our Southside Middle School faculty & staff t-shirts again this year! We appreciate your continued support of our school and community!
5 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Are you interested in being a substitute for Tallassee City Schools? Go to the Career Tech Center beside the football field to get started today! $120 per day for substitute teachers, all other positions are paid hourly. 10:30-2:00
5 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Subs Needed
SMS is looking forward to another excellent year of Progress Over Perfection! Join us on August 5th for Open House! We can't wait to see you! #POP
5 months ago, Brittany Spencer
SMS Back to School
iPad Pick Up
Southside Middle School students have enjoyed several opportunities for camp this summer including Math Camp, Robotics Camp, Empowering HER & Empowering HIM Camps! We appreciate all faculty & staff who made the camps a great success for our students! Keep POPping, SMS!
6 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Summer Camps at SMS
Rising 8th Grade SMS Parents: There is another FREE Camp Opportunity through GEAR UP Achieve! See below for details!
6 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Gear Up Camp
SMS is being well represented at Auburn University's GEAR UP Achieve Camp! We are very proud of Hurley & Madison for extending their learning beyond the classroom this summer! Keep POPping, SMS!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
GEAR UP Achieve
Southside Middle School is now hiring a new Library Media Specialist! Come join our school family as we continue to POP with Progress Over Perfection!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Library Media Specialist
372 students ACCEPTED & MET the Under 18 Attendance Challenge this year at SMS! We are so proud of the improvements, & we celebrated their progress today with the Cyber Game Truck! We can't wait to share our about our attendance progress! Stay tuned!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Under18 Attendance Challenge
SMS Honors Day will take place tomorrow, 5/22 for all grade levels. We look forward to celebrating the success of our students!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Honors Day
Congratulations to our SMS Scholar of the Week, Owen Johnson! We are very proud of your academic success and focus! Keep POPping, SMS!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Scholar of the Week
Rising 5th Graders & families were welcomed to SMS on Tuesday night & all students came on Wednesday to learn more about their transition to middle school next year! Thank you to everyone who made these events possible to support our upcoming students! Let's get ready to POP!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
5th Grade Tour
5th Orientation
SMS Extra Yearbooks - Limited Number Available - $35
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Congratulations to our POP Star at SMS, Mrs. Courtney Watson! We are so thankful for all the hard work and dedication you pour into making SMS POP with Progress Over Perfection!
7 months ago, Brittany Spencer
POP Star
Teachers & Staff at SMS have enjoyed a beautiful week of treats, prizes, & more! Treats from France, a lunch from Italy, Chicken Minis, doughnuts, & "welcome home" goodies polished off our week! We would like to thank our sponsors & parents again for making all of this possible!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank You
Thank You
Grand Prize Winners
SMS Band performed an incredible concert last night at the Tallassee Performing Arts Center! We appreciate all of the hard work Ms. Perry, Dr. Glasscock, Mr. Quinty, & Mr. Bird have poured into our program! Thank you, parents & students for your commitment & dedication as well!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
6th Grade Band
7th & 8th Grade Band
Congratulations to JC McGhee for being selected as our SMS Scholar of the Week! We are so very proud of his academic focus and success! Keep POPping, SMS!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
POP Star
Happy School Nurse Appreciation Day! SMS would like to extend a special thank you to our School Nurse, Mrs. Jennifer Osborne! We are very appreciative of your service and care!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
School Nurse Appreciation Day
SMS welcomed Mrs. Stephanie Lantz from the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service through Elmore County Extension to provide a lesson on internet safety to our 8th grade students! We look forward to our younger grades receiving internet safety courses over the next two weeks!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Internet Safety Course
SMS Teacher Appreciation Week is off to a great start! We would like to thank our INCREDIBLE sponsors who have contributed to make this week wonderful for our teachers & staff! Travel snack bags, a taco lunch, doughnuts, & numerous giveaways have brightened our week so far!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Teacher Appreciation Week Monday & Tuesday
Thank You Businesses
Thank you Parents
Teacher Appreciation Week
Next Week: Family Engagement Night on Tuesday at J.E. Hot O'Brien Stadium + SMS Band Concert on Thursday at the THS Performing Arts Center!
8 months ago, Brittany Spencer
Family Night
Band Concert